
Navigating Regulatory Guidelines for Auxiliary Medicinal Products in Clinical Trials

In March 2024, the Clinical Trials Coordination and Advisory Group (CTAG) endorsed updated recommendations regarding the utilization of Auxiliary Medicinal Products (AxMPs) in clinical trials. These recommendations, which supersede the previous version from June 2017, introduce minor editorial changes and highlight crucial considerations for AxMPs in clinical trial submissions, ensuring alignment with the evolving regulatory landscape governed by the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR EU 536/2014).

Understanding the Role of Auxiliary Medicinal Products (AxMPs) in Clinical Trials

AxMPs are integral components of clinical trials, serving ancillary functions essential for trial conduct and participant well-being. Unlike Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs), which undergo rigorous evaluation as part of the trial intervention, AxMPs fulfill supplementary roles, contributing to safety monitoring, endpoint assessment, and participant management. Stakeholders navigate the regulatory intricacies surrounding AxMP usage within the framework of clinical trial submissions, adhering to directives outlined in Directive 2001/83/EC and the nuanced definitions delineated in the CTR.

Key Recommendations and Updates: Ensuring Compliance with CTR Standards

The updated recommendations provide stakeholders with clear guidance on navigating AxMP utilization while ensuring compliance with CTR standards. Noteworthy updates include:

  • Clarifications on documentation requirements for unmodified authorized AxMPs, emphasizing meticulous record-keeping and adherence to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards.
  • Inclusion of a flowchart outlining labelling requirements for AxMPs, simplifying compliance efforts and bolstering data integrity.
  • Detailed guidance on different categories of AxMPs, such as rescue medications, challenge agents, medicinal products used to assess endpoints, and background treatments, fostering a nuanced understanding of their role in trial design and execution.
  • Emphasis on safety reporting obligations, harmonizing reporting procedures with Pharmacovigilance rules and reinforcing the importance of comprehensive adverse event documentation.


Safety Reporting Obligations: Prioritizing Participant Welfare

Sponsors and investigators play a critical role in ensuring participant welfare through meticulous safety reporting. By aligning safety reporting practices with the stringent requirements delineated in the Clinical Trial Regulation (EU) No 536/2014, stakeholders uphold the integrity of clinical data and prioritize participant safety.

Conclusion: Navigating Regulatory Compliance with Prudence

The updated recommendations on AxMPs in clinical trials provide stakeholders with essential guidance for navigating regulatory compliance with prudence and diligence. Armed with a nuanced understanding of AxMP nuances and comprehensive guidance, sponsors approach clinical trial endeavors with confidence, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards while prioritizing participant welfare.


For further insights and detailed guidance on AxMPs in clinical trials, stakeholders are encouraged to consult the full document available on EudraLex Vol. 10, harmonizing their endeavors with the evolving regulatory paradigm governing clinical research.


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